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Menorrhagia ( Heavy Period ) / 月經過多

Menorrhagia is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period at regular intervals. Causes may be due to abnormal blood clotting, disruption of normal hormonal regulation of periods or disorders of the endometrial lining of the uterus. Depending upon the cause, it may be associated with abnormally painful periods (dysmenorrhea).

首先需要釐清一個問題 ─ 月經多少算多?正常的月經出血量應為20~60毫升,超過80毫升即為月經過多。若以衛生棉的用量來大約估計,正常的用量大約是平均一天更換4~5次,每個月經週期大致使用20片。如果使用了3包衛生棉還不夠,並且差不多每片衛生棉都是溼透的,就是屬於月經過多。不同年齡層的女性,因生理階段的不同,發生經量過多的原因也各有不同。一般說來,異常的月經過多與以下因素有關:(1) 子宮肌瘤;(2) 子宮內膜過厚;(3) 子宮內膜異位;(4) 子宮內膜息肉;(5) 子宮頸癌或子宮內膜癌等。
Epidural Anesthesia / 無痛分娩

The term epidural is often short for epidural analgesia, a form of regional analgesia involving injection of drugs through a catheter placed into the epidural space. The injection can cause both a loss of sensation (anaesthesia) and a loss of pain (analgesia), by blocking the transmission of signals through nerves in or near the spinal cord. The epidural space is the space inside the bony spinal canal but outside the membrane called the dura mater (sometimes called the "dura"). In contact with the inner surface of the dura is another membrane called the arachnoid mater ("arachnoid"). The arachnoid encompasses the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the spinal cord.

硬脊膜外麻醉是局部麻醉的一種。透過導管,將藥物注射在硬脊膜外間隙。注射藥物阻隔附近脊髓神經傳送訊息,從而可以使到失去感覺(麻醉),或只達至失去痛楚(止痛)。 人體的「硬脊膜外間隙」是脊椎的一剖份。硬脊膜外間隙位置在骨質的椎管內,硬脊膜以外 。硬脊膜內為蛛網膜。蛛網膜包著腦脊液,腦脊液圍繞著脊髓。 脊椎麻醉是另一種不同的局部麻醉方法,將麻醉藥直接注射到腦脊液。這方法與硬脊膜外麻醉有相類似之處,二者不相同,但亦有時會同用。 硬脊膜外止痛是分娩時常用的止痛方法。在自然分娩過程中使用的硬脊膜外止痛的用藥,一般只會消除痛楚,但不足以令肌肉力量減少;亦不足以用作施行手術。
Circumcision / 包皮環切

Male circumcision is the surgical removal of some or all of the foreskin (prepuce) from the penis.Estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO) suggest that 30 percent of males worldwide are circumcised, of whom 68 percent are Muslim. The prevalence of circumcision varies mostly with religious affiliation, and sometimes culture. In some countries circumcisions are more commonly performed during infancy. Circumcision is also used therapeutically, as one of the treatment options for balanitis xerotica obliterans, phimosis, balanitis, posthitis, balanoposthitis and urinary tract infections. Strong evidence indicates that circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection in heterosexual men by 38-66% in populations that are at high risk, and studies have concluded it is cost effective in sub-Saharan Africa. The WHO currently recommends circumcision be recognised as an intervention as part of a comprehensive program for prevention of HIV transmission in areas with high endemic rates of HIV.

Natural Birth / 自然分娩

Dr. Andrew Yeh promotes natural birth in first pregnancy prior successful vaginal births. Dr Andrew Yeh uses natural remedies to assist women to go into labor spontaneously. He and the nursing staff coaches the patients throughout their labor process. After natural birth, Dr Yeh encourages natural bonding with the baby and allow breastfeeding, the natures best nutrition for the baby. We are sure you will enjoy this wonderful journey as much as we do.

Natural Menopausal Cure / 自然更年期治疗

This is a troubling condition where women experiences hot flashes, night sweating and sleeplessness during the perimenopausal period. Dr Andrew Yeh uses the most natural therapy including specific diet, herb and non-hormonal therapy to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. This incredibly special in this day and age.

Less invasive treatment / 天然治疗

Dr Yeh always encourages women with various gynecological conditions to try natural therapy instead of medicinal or surgical treatment. Surgery is absolutely his last resort after all non-surgical treatment fails. Rest assure !!!

叶医生总是鼓励有各种妇科疾病的妇女尝试天然疗法,而不是药物或手术治疗。在所有非手术治疗失败后,手术绝对是他的最后的方法。您大可以放心 !!!

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